Friday, December 31, 2010

It's Worth It... get a flu shot. Seth got a flu shot, working at the hospital its mandatory. Parker got a flu shot, being so little I felt it necessary. I was going to get a flu shot when I had time but now it seems pointless since this last week my immune system has taken a beating from the nasty flu bugs. Christmas day I was feeling great and then all the sudden the toilet bowl was my best friend. I was racked with stomach pains and chills for a good few days and then just when things were looking up I was struck again. Having a consistent fever of 102 for days isn't ideal this time of year. Today I finally stopped living a comatose lifestyle and realized a missed the snow outside and Parker cut his first tooth. I couldn't believe it, he didn't even cry at all, in fact during the time I was completely dead to the world he was actually a super good boy. Luckily my mother was our saving grace and we've been camped out at my parents place while my sweet husband works/racks up his hours at the hospital. At least I was able to enjoy Christmas morning and hopefully by next year I will be back to 100% health. Christmas pics to follow... eventually...

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