Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Friends!

I have friends! Kamry and Rochelle and Alyssa came to visit us this week. They weren't able to stay for long but it was still sooooo good to see them. Alyssa left Tuesday morning for China, lucky! And Kam and Ro will be back at BYU in the fall. Parker was super excited to see them and he loved them right away. He wants to see them again soon, he told me so. Thanks for coming to visit. We had so much fun!

Flashback: Freshmen year... Kamry in the neon yellow, Rochelle in the green skirt and blue glasses

Have fun in China Alyssa!


  1. I can't believe how big Parker is getting! I'm pretty sure we're coming up for David's reception on Saturday, and I hope to get my hands on little Parker then. Also, I LOVE the first picture. I think I have plenty of pictures just like that from my college days too.

  2. i love you! thank you for letting us come :)
